12 September 2013


Dwa tygodnie temu zabralismy mame Dorote i ciocie Basie do Berlina, gdzie zawsze chcialy pojechac, ale jakos tak nie wyszlo. Jeden dzien to co prawda bardzo malo czasu, ale udalo nam zobaczyc sporo, ponizej zdjecia, troche centrum, troche East Side Gallery na resztkach muru i nasz ulubiony Kreuzberg.

Two weeks ago we took mom Dorota and autie Barbara to Berlin where they always wanted to go but it somehow didn't work out till now. Although one day wasn't enough time, we managed to see quite a bit. Below some pictures from the centre, few from East Side Gallery on the remains of Berlin Wall and form our favorite Kreuzberg.

11 September 2013

Short holidays - part two: Donau and local Switzerland

Po naszym rozstaniu tak zatesknilismy, ze  musielismy sie spotkac raz jeszcze. Pojechalismy z Lukiem do malego miasteczka niedaleko Linz, gdzie jak juz wczesniej ustalilismy bedziemy nocowac nad malym jeziorem. Na mapie widnialy w tym miejscu az 3 kempingi wiec nie martwilismy sie o nocelg. Okazalo sie, ze kempingi sa, ale nie dla namiotow a poza tym byl zakaz wstepu dla psow. Ale znalezlismy porzadny kemping nad Dunajem, wiec bylo dobrze. Przywiezlismy zapasy jedzenia chcac uczcic spotkanie pyszna kolacja. Ku naszej uciesze na kempingu bylo stoliki wiec poczulismy sie uprzywilejowani, rozlozylismy wszystko, otworzylismy wino, po czym spadl tak intensywny deszcz, ze nie warto bylo nawet uciekac, wyjscie spod drzewa grozilo przemoknieciem w kilka sekund. Skonczylo sie na tym, z jedlismy wilgotny chleb z oliwkami z wody, stojac i popijajac winem. Na szczescie ciepla woda pod prysznicem na kempingu w Austrii jest naprawde ciepla! Kolejnego dnia nasze auto stalo sie oprocz sypialni rowniez suszarnia (jak sie okazuje czarne samochody swietnie sie do tego nadaja;)). Po pysznym sniadaniu rozstalismy sie juz na dobre, Anka i Seba ruszyli rowerow do Wiednia, my zas do Czeskiej Szwajcarii. Bedac w Niemczech i Austrii nie moglismy sobie odmowic porannych Kafe und Kuche czyli kawy z ciastkiem - taki maly rytual, ciacha sa tam po prostu przepyszne i spokojnie moga zastapic sniadanie. W drodze do Czech zatrzymalismy sie w kilku magicznych miejcach nad Dunajem - kolor tej rzeki jest niesamowity.
Wyprobowalismy opcje noclegu w aucie, zeby w razie koniecznosci nie bylo niespodzianek, i tak nam sie spodobalo, ze nocowalismy w nim juz do konca wyjazdu. Wygodnie, cieplej niz w namiocie, miejsca duzo, z negatywnych aspektow tylko sny starcily na intensywnosci. 
W czeskiej szwajcarii udalo nam sie znalesc kemping w srodku lasu, baze na dlugie spacery i tam naprawde odpoczelismy. Piekne widoki i formacje skalne. Wracajac zatrzymalismy sie tez w Szwajcarii saksonskiej i Dreznie (oczywiscie na poranna kawe z ciachem). 

 After our split up we felt so lonely;) we had to meet with companions again. We drove to small place near Linz, at a tiny lake where we agreed to sleep.There were 3 campings marked on the map so we didn't worry about the sleeping part. When we got there it turned out that the campings are not for tents and the dogs are not allowed so we had to quickly find somewhere else. We went to an amazing camping further down Donau and as we brought quite a bit of good food we thought we'll celebrate the meeting with good supper. They had some tables so we set everything up and as we were going to sit and enjoy the supper the rain came down so hard it wasn't wise to move anywhere else. Running away would have made us wet in just a few seconds. In the end we ate damp bread with olives from water and made our wine toasts standing. It was good anyway and luckily the hot water under the shower was really hot:) The next day our car became a dryer as well as sleeping quarters (by the way black cars are very good as dryers;)). After a very tasty breakfast we split up for the rest of our holiday, Anna and Seba cycled along the river all the way to Wien and we went to explore Czech Switzerland. Being in Germany and Austria we we couldn't resist morning Kafe und Kuche - coffee and cake, small ritual, the cakes are delicious there and they can easily replace breakfast. On the way to Czech we made a stop in few magical places along Donau - this river has unforgettable colour.
We tried  option of sleeping in the car just in case we have to one day - to avoid surprises and we got to like it so much that we spent the rest of our nights there. Comfortable, warmer then in tent, lots of space, teh only negative thing was that the dreams lots some of the vividness.
We found a nice camping place in the forest in Czech Switzerland, good base for long walks in the mountains and we had a great rest. Beautiful views and rock formations. On the way back we stopped in Saxon Switzerland and Drezno (to have morning coffee and cake of course).

If one uses the imagination it can be a palm tree./ Jesli wlaczy sie wyobraznie to moze byc palma.

She's actually waving/ Ona macha.

2 September 2013

Short holidays - part one: with the company

Czas wyczekanego urlopu w koncu nadszedl i udalo nam sie wyjechac na dluzej niz poczatkowo zamierzalismy. Wszystko rozegralo sie w ostatniej chwili, auto nie do konca bylo gotowe do podrozy, w sensie brak kola zapasowego, opony stare i troche lyse, brak bagaznika na rowery... Ruszylismy z Wroclawia do Pokrzywnej, gdzie zgarnelismy Anke, Sebastiana i Bobka z ich rowerowym majdanem. Troche sie martwilismy czy wszystko sie zmiesci, jako, ze nie bylo zadnych przymiarek wczesniej, ale po kilku probach samochod zmiescil nas wszystkich lacznie z rowerami. Bobek musial siedziec z przodu ze mna, byl bardzo spokojny, moja noga zostala osliniona kilka razy, ale coz to;) wesoly samochod przjechal cale Czechy, troche w deszczu, ale Luke swietnie sobie radzil prowadzac, pierwszy raz po prawej stronie. Na kilka dni rozbilismy sie na campingu nad Jeziorem Lipno na poludniu Czech. Czas spedzony w swietnym towarzystwie, dwulitrowe butelki czaeskiego piwa i oczywiscie smazony ser. Moglismy znow nacieszyc sie spaniem w namiocie - moje sny sa zawsze bardziej intensywne w namiocie, kolorowe, takie drugie zycie. 
Pozniej odwiezlismy towarzyszy do Pasau, pieknego niemieckiego miasta polozonego nad Dunajem. Tam po pysznej kawie i duzym kawalku ciacha zaczelo sie skladanie rowerow i bobkowej przyczepki. Zajelo to chwile i Bobek czekajac po cichutku prawie przegryzl swoja smycz chcac byc wolnym psem. Anka i Seba podazyli sciezka rowerowa wzdluz Dunaju w strone Austrii. My natomiast powloczylismy sie troche po Pasau i wrocilismy na camping.

The time of holiday which I waited for so long finally arrived and we managed to go away for longer then we initially thought. Everything was a bit crazy and done in last moment, the car wasn't exactly ready, no spare wheel, old tires and no roof rack for the bikes... We went from Wroclaw to Pokrzywna where we picked Anna, Sebastian, Bobek and their bike staff up.We were worried that it may not all fit in as there was no test before but after some trial and error we squeezed ourselves and 2 bikes in.Bobek had to sit with me, he was very calm, my leg just got a lot of saliva few times, but well;) cheerful car crossed the whole Chech Republic, we were driving in quite heavy rain for a while but Luke did extremely well driving, first time on the right side as well. We camped on the Lipno lake, south of Chech for few days. Time spent in a good company, with 2litre beer bottles and fried cheese of course.We could enjoy sleeping in a tent again - my dreams are always more vivid and colorful there, second life. Then we took our friends to Pasau, beautiful German town situated by the river Donau. After a delicious coffee and huge piece of cake they started to put the bikes together, which took longer then intended and Bobek silently nearly chew through his leash in order to become a free dog. Anka and Seba followed the bike route along Donau all the way to Austria while we strolled in Pasau a bit longer and then went back to camping.