31 March 2014

Zazonkililo sie


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

William Wordsworth

4 March 2014

Chingri Khal Marmolade

Dwa tygodnie temu w domu odbywalo sie coroczne rodzinne robienie marmolady. Piekne pomarancze z Sewilli, wspanialego koloru ogromna miedziana brytfanna odziedziczona po babci, wnuki pracujace z podzialem na role - bylo super:) Caly proces podzielony byl na dwa etapy - dwa dni, takze zapach pomaranczy unosil sie w domu przez pol tygodnia, a teraz w spizarce zloca sie sloiki pelne slodkosci.
Dostalam przepis okraszony dobrymi radami i postanowilam zrobic koleejnej zimy - moze z malym udoskonaleniem - odrobina whiskey:)

Two weeks ago we had the annual family marmalade making. Beautiful oranges from Seville, the magnificent color of a huge copper oven-pan inherited from grandmother, grandchildren working with the division into roles - it was great fun:) The whole process was split into two stages - two days, so the smell of oranges hovered at home for half the week, and now the larder glitters with orange jars full of sweet treat.
I got recipe seasoned with good advice and I decided to make some next winter - maybe with a small improvement - a bit of whiskey :)

3 March 2014

New temporary home/ Nowy dom tymczasowy

Od poczatku lutego mieszkam w Winchesterze, tesknie za morzem, ale tu jest praca wiec nie narzekam. Opiekuje sie pewnym starszym panem, wspolnie z jeszcze jedna osoba- Zoltanem z Wegier. Dom jest niesamowity, ogromny, przestronny i zupelnie nie-angielski (no moze oprocz kranow;)), polozony na wzgorzu i przy dobrej pogodzie widze z okna Isle of Wight. Okno z poludniowej strony, z widokiem na piekny ogrod, pokoj urzadzony w slodkim babcinym stylu - czuje sie troche jak Karolina ze Spiacego Wzgorza (tak nazywa sie nasza ulica). W sumie nie ma az tak duzo pracy i nie jest ciezka, wiec nie mam na co narzekac, wrecz przeciwnie, ale troche dziwnie zyje sie cudzym zyciem. Rodzina jest bardzo mila i niczego mi tu nie brakuje, duszek dziala;) Mam tylko dwie godziny dziennie na wyjscie z domu wiec odkrywanie miasteczka jest bardzo ograniczone czasowo.
Na szczescie Winchester jest maly - wszedzie moge dotrzec na piechote, pomimo rozmiaru nosi dumne miano miasta - w Anglii miastem mozna nazwac kazde miejsce, w ktorym jest katedra. Paradoksalnie wec dla mnie wieksze Boournemouth jest miasteczkiem, a Winchester miastem. Rozwinel sie na miejscu rzymskiej osady Venta Belgarum, a w XII i XIII wieku bylo stolica Anglii. Znajduje sie tu jedna z najwiekszych katedr w Europie, z najdluzsza gotycka nawa ze wszystkich europejskich katedr. Kolejna ciekawostka jest Okragly Stol Krola Artura, ktory jest dumnie prezentowany w glownej hali Zamku, chodza sluchy, ze to jednak falszywka. Chodzac po centrum czuje sie troche jakbym przeniosla sie w czasie i wyladowala w sredniowieczu;)
Przez miasto przeplywa rzeka Itchen (nie ominely nas powodzie), bardzo plytka i o czystych wodach, dzieki czemu okolice Winchesteru sa najwiekszym producentem rukwii wodnej w UK. W pobliskim miasteczku jest nawet coroczny festiwal ku czci tej zdrowej zielonej rosliny:))
Jesli chodzi o spacery to glownie rzeka i okoliczne wzgorza, ale z tym czekam na lepsza pogode.

Since the beginning of February I live in Winchester , I miss the sea, but the job is here so I don't complain.Together with another carer (Zoltan from Hungary) I llok after an elderly gentleman in his own house. The house is amazing, huge, spacious and completely non- English ( well, maybe besides taps ;)) , located on a hill and if the weather is good I can see the Isle of Wight from my window. My room is on the south sunny side, overlooking a beautiful garden , room decorated in a sweet grandma style - I feel a bit like Karolina of Sleeping Hill ( so is called our street ) . There's not that much work too be done here and it's not too heavy , so I have nothing to complain about , on the contrary , but it feels a bit strange to live someone else's life. The family is very nice and there is nothing I lack of here , duszek is acting ;) I only have 2 hours daily to leave the house so city exploring is limited.
Fortunately Winchester is small - I can get everywhere on foot; despite the size of the place bears the proud name of city due to having Cathedral. Winchester developed on the site of a Roman settlement Venta Belgarum , and in XII and XIII centuries was the capital of England . One of the largest cathedrals in Europe is located here, with the longest Gothic nave from all European cathedrals. Another curiosity is King Arthur's Round Table , which is proudly presented in the main hall of the Castle, rumored to be a fake . Walking around the centre feels a bit like I traveled back in time and landed in the Middle Ages ;)
River Itchen crosses the city ( floods haven't missed us ), with very shallow and clear waters , thanks to which the area around Winchester is the largest manufacturer of watercress in the UK. The nearby village holds even an annual festival in honor of the healthy green plant :))
When it comes to going for walks it's mainly river and the surrounding hills , but I'm waiting for better weather.