5 August 2012


The prices here are higher than we thought they would be so we have to do some savings. And the relations of food prices are quite strange, for example you need to pay 40pesos for just a simple pizza and for this price you can get 2bottles of vodka bols.
Farm where we are now doesn´t provide us food, we can tak anything from the garden and eat as mamy eggs as we want so it´s not bad. At the beginning we ate a kind of sweet roll with jam for breakfest but it didn´t keep us full for too long. After few days we were trying to sort something better out and we thought about porridge. Warm, cheap and it will fill us for longer. I never used to like porridge before but now it is my favourite meal of a day. The first one was just with a banana (boiled on water). Now it´s a luxory one, with cinnamon, honey and sunflower seeds - real favourite meal of a day. I´m not joking, this porridge gets me out of bed very quiclky in the morning. After work salad from whatever is in the garden, rocket, spinach, lettuce  and  there´s a lot of nettle:) and whatever else we have. And in the evenings simple meals from rice, other grain, soups or just potatoe with some fried onion, etc. Simple but tasety.
The other luxory meal is a scemble egg from quails eggs, delicious, lots of breaking but it´s worth it. Few days ago we had it with young asparagus from the garden, top meal.
From time to time we´re trying a new local sweet, recently we bought something which is called ´dulce de batata´. Strage to describe, it looks a bit like a firm jelly and is made of sweet patatoe and sugar of course. At first it´s peculiar but we quite enjoy it now - the slice is pictured on ther red.
And mate of course, from our touristic cups but it´s a must. We can´t moan but Luke said recently that when we get back he won´t say no to my mom´s extra portions anymore.

Ceny jedzenia sa wyzsze niz myslelismy wiec musimy oszczedzac. Relacje cenowe tez sa dziwne, na przyklad za jakakowliek zwykla pizze trzeba zaplacic ok. 40 pesos za co mozna kupic 2 butelki wodki bols.
Farma na ktorej jestesmy niestety nie zapewnia nam jedzenia, mozemy korzystac z ogrodu oraz jesc tyle jajek ile chcemy wiec nie jest zle.  Na poczatku nasze sniadanie skladalo sie ze slodkiej bulki (cos jak chalka) z dzemem, co nie trzymalo nas dlugo. Po dwoch dniach stweirdzilismy, ze trzeba cos wymyslic - owsianka. Cieple, tanie, i bedziemy pelni dluzej. Nigdy nie lubilam owsianki, ale teraz jest to moj ulubiony posilek.  Pierwsza byla tylko z bananem (na wodzie). Teraz jest luksusowa, cynamon, miod i slonecznik - ulubiony posilek dnia. Nie zartuje, mysl o tej owsiance potrafi mnie postawic na nogi bardzo szybko. Po pracy salatka, z ogrodu rukola, szpinak, jest duzo pokrzywy;) i cos tam jeszcze mamy. A wieczorem proste posilki z ryzu, ziarna, zupa lub ziemniaki, smazona cebulka , etc. Proste i dobre.
Luksusowym posilkiem jest jajecznica z przepiorczych jaj, pycha, duzo rozbijania, ale warto. Kilka dni temu jedlismy ja ze swiezymi szparagami z ogrodu - wyjatkowy posilek!
Raz na jakis czas probujemy lokalnego deseru, ostatnio kupilisme ´dulce de batata´ czyli deser ze slodkiego ziemniaka. Nie jest to proste do opisania, wyglada troche jak taka gesta galaretka, bardzo slodkie, uwielbiaja to tutaj. Na poczatku smak jest dziwny, ale polubilismy to, zdjecie na czerwonym talerzu.
No i mate, co prawda z kubkow turystycznych, ale jest. Nie mozemy narzekac., chociaz Luke stwierdzil,ze jak wrocim to nie bedzie odmawial juz mamie dokladek.

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