To all the good people who have been following our blog we thought it necessary to answer this frequently asked question in a post unto itself. The most popular assumption being and sorry but NO, Karolina is not pregnant.
We decided a while ago that we would return in time for Christmas here with Karolina's parents, which is where we are staying at the moment, at least until the end of the year.
Whilst wwoofing in Argentina we came to learn or realize quite quickly what it is we needed to learn. I think it was mostly a confirmation to ourselves that we now know what we want in life. So instead of traveling to other countries all over South America and seeing the sights for the sake of it we decided to hold onto our savings and spend it towards a piece of land on which we can make our own start by working for ourselves, or should I say, to simply start living Life, as close to Nature and her seasons as we can possibly get:)
Whilst wwoofing in Argentina we came to learn or realize quite quickly what it is we needed to learn. I think it was mostly a confirmation to ourselves that we now know what we want in life. So instead of traveling to other countries all over South America and seeing the sights for the sake of it we decided to hold onto our savings and spend it towards a piece of land on which we can make our own start by working for ourselves, or should I say, to simply start living Life, as close to Nature and her seasons as we can possibly get:)
At the end of our journey we decided to treat ourselves before returning to a week in Brazil on an island called Ilha do Mel (honey island). An eco station cross lovers cross surfers paradise, a really cool place where we had a really good time and met some beautiful people:))
And yes the blog will continue, oh yes:) To all you good people: the journey is not at an end - it has just begun.
Do wszystkich dobrych ludzi, ktorzy czytali nasz blog, myslimy, zeby odpowiedziec na to najczesciej zadawane pytanie konieczny jest wpis osobny wpis. Odpowiadajac na najpopularniejszy z domyslow, niestety Karolina nie jest w ciazy.
Jakis czas temu zdecydowalismym, ze wrocimy przed Swietami Bozego Narodzenia i spedzimy je z rodzicami Karoliny, gdzie obecnie przebywamy, przynajmniej do konca tego roku.
Podczas wwoofingu w Argentynie bardzo szybko zdalismy sobie sprawe czego tak naprawde musimy sie nauczyc. Mysle, ze pobyt tam utwierdzil nasze zyciowe pragnienia tego, co czego chcemy od zycia. Wiec zamiast podrozy do innych krajow Ameryki Poludniowej i zwiedzania turystycznych atrakcji zdecydowalismy sie zatrzymac troche naszych oszczednosci i przenaczyc je na dofinansowanie kupna kawalka ziemi, gdzie bedziemy mogli zaczac pracowac dla siebie, powinienem raczej powiedziec, po prostu zaczac Zyc tak blisko Natury i zgodnie z porami roku jak to tylko mozliwe:).
Pod koniec naszej podrozy postanowilismy zafundowac sobie tydzien na wyspie Ilha do Mel (miodowej wyspie) w Brazylii. ekologiczne miejsce, raj dla zakochanych i surferow, naprawde wyluzowana wyspa gdzie spedzilismy kilka wspanialych dni i poznalismy pieknych ludzi:))
Tak, blog bedzie kontynuoway, oh yes:) Do wszystkich dobrych ludzi: to nie jest koniec podrozy - ona dopiero sie zaczela.
Our lock has been added to a bridge in Frankfurt with thousands of others. Forever locked together:)
Nasza klodka zostala dodana do tysiaca innych na moscie we Frankfurcie. Zlaczeni na zawsze:)