The journey starts and ends in Wroclaw, Poland. All distances and travel times are close approximations.
Podroz zaczyna sie i konczy we
Wroclawiu w Polsce. Wszystkie odleglosci oraz czas porozy sa podane w
Wroclaw to Warsaw by bus - 376 km
(6 hrs.)
Warsaw to Madrid, Spain by plane - 2
280 km (3 hrs.)
Madrid to Buenos Aires, Argentina by
plane - 10 008 km (13 hrs.)
Buenos Aires (A) to Cordoba (B) by bus
- 644 km (9 hrs.)
Cordoba to Capilla del Monte (C) by bus
- 80 km (3 hrs.)
Capilla del Monte to Tunuyan (D) by bus
- 643km (9 hrs.)
Tunuyan to Mendoza (E) by bus - 93
km (3,5 hrs.)
Mendoza to Villa General Belgrano (F)
by bus - 640 km (9 hrs.)
Villa general Belgrano to El Bolson (G)
by bus - 1 520 km (21 hrs.)
El Bolson to the Chilean border
crossing and back, walking - 54 km (2 days)
El Bolson back to Villa General
Belgrano by bus - 1 520 km (21 hrs.)
Villa General Belgrano back to Cordoba
by bus - 90 km (3,5 hrs.)
Cordoba to Puerto Iguazu (H) by bus -
1 600 km (23 hrs.)
Puerto Iguazu to Curitiba, Brazil (I)
by bus - 650 km (9 hrs.)
Curitiba to Paranagua (J) by train -
50 km (4 hrs.) and a 1 hour bus ride to port
Paranagua to Ilha do Mel "Honey
Island" by boat - 25 km (3 hr.)
Ilha do Mel back to Puerto del Sol by
boat - 10 km (1 hr.)
Puerto del Sol back to Curitiba by bus
- 120 km (2 hrs.)
Curitiba to Sau Paulo (off the map) by
bus - 405 km (6,5 hrs.)
Sau Paulo to Recife, Brazil by plane -
2 087 km (2,5 hrs.)
Recife to Frankfurt, Germany by plane -
7 700 km (10 hrs.)
Frankfurt to Wroclaw by bus - 725 km
(11 hrs.)
Total distance travelled on land in
South America - 8 144 km (128.5 hrs.)
Suma odleglosci przebytych na ladzie w
Ameryce Poludniowej
Total distance with flights from start
to end - 31 320 km (174 hrs.)
Suma odleglosci lacznie z lotami
Circumference of the Earth around the
equator - 40 075 km :)
Dlugosc rownika
by plane - samolotem
by bus - autokarem
by boat - lodzia
walking - pieszo