Niemozliwoscia jest wspomnienie o Rzymie bez uwzglednienia kosciolow, podobno jest ich ponad 900. Odwiedzilismy tylko kilka, a kazdy z nich dostarczal innych wrazen. Wiekszosc az ocieka zgromadzonym przez lata bogactwem, wrecz przytlacza. Wszyscy odetchnelismy i poczulismy cos wspanialego w prostym wczesnochrzescijanskim kosciele zndajdujacym sie przy Ustch Prawdy.
It' impossible not to mention the churches when writing about Rome, there' more then 900 of them. We visited only a few and had different feelings in each of them. A lot is so full of wealth it becomes too much to look at and absorb. We felt something special in small and simple church near Bocca della Verita.
Basilica of Sanata Maria in Cosmedin - very simple (in comparison to the other) early Christian church located by the Bocca della Verita. It was founded on the ruins of an ancient altar dedicated to Hercules.
Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara coeli al Campidoglio by Capitol.
Bazylika Sw. Pawla za murami wywarla na nas ogromne wrazenie. W bazylice znajduja sie medaliony z portretami wszystkich papiezy. Wedlug legendy koniec swiata nastapi wtedy, kiedy zabraknie miajsca na kolejne papieskie medaliony.
Basilica of St. Paul outside the walls made a great impression on us. There are portraits of all the popes in the basilica. According to the legend, the world will end when there will be no more space for the next papal portrait.
Na koniec kosciol, w ktorym czulismy bardzo dziwna niepozytywna energie. Poszlismy zobaczyc jego slynne blekitne sklepienie zebrowe. Bazylika Santa Maria Sopra Minerva zostala zbudowana na miejscu antycznej swiatyni Minervy, jest najlepiej zachowanym gotyckim kosciolem Rzymu.
At the end - the church, in which we felt very strange, not a positive energies. We went to see the famous blue Gothic ceiling. Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva was built on the site of the ancient temple of Minerva, it is the best preserved Gothic Church of Rome.
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