17 November 2012

The same but how different

Hola Amigos! We came back to our beloved Vielchental. The journey was long but we were travelling very happy. This time a movie suprised us - not a bus type, romatic and very touching, as far as I remember it was called Passion Diaries. Anyway, Judit was telling me about it so many times and I never got tound to watch it, adn what a suprise. Beautiful, we were watching it at night, i was crying like a baby, our co-pasangers were gining me an eye and Luke thought there´s something wrong with me. From this moment onwards it was only getting better, we got to kemping fairly early and were suprised to see two other backpacks. I don´t know why but all the time we were thinking there will be just us woofing there and it turn out thet Ute from germany and Charlotte also from Germany but half French were there already. Charlotte, who met Ute on the bus and somehow Ute joined her,  infomed a friend met in hostel in Cordoba about the kemping too and the following day Nejc from Slowenia joined us. THANKS CHARLOTTE!!! What a company it was, you can´t get a better group of people to be together in wilderness, I can´t describe it but we were connected by the invisible thread of understanding and the time spend together (altough it was only few days) was so rich in experiences that it will stay with all of us for long time. The fact that we met positivly recharged all of us. Ute and Charlotte were lonly in their travels, we slowly started douting in ourselves as able to make new real friends on the road and not be too critical to people, and Nejc said that when he met us he regained the faith in love and people. It was amazing.  Despite not such a good weather during weekend we made a great argentinian asado. Me and Ute went to choose the meat at the butchers (he was a bit disappointed that we didn´t buy any kidneys or intestines), Charlotte prepared delicious tomatoe salad and Luke and Nejc were looking after the fire and the meat. Great international mixture prepared traditional argentinian asado, it came out perfect, we were proud of ourselves and ate everuthing from a huge wooden chopping board - together. It had to be followed by a fire which somehow consumed huge amounts of alcohol, Charloote regretted that we don´t have a guitarr but was singing amazing even without it. I could write and write about it but still I wan´t be able to pass this feeling through a computer screen.
Oh, well we´re all alone now, I mean with Veronica, Roger and Ciro who didn´t change and it´s still great together. During the night hundreds of lifght bugs are starting a show and it looks as if the stars decided to come to play closer to pachamama for a moment. Lucia from Columbia whom we met in Bolson told me that there´s a very popula song which says that you shouldn´t go back to whee you were really happy. I disagree, it´s awsome, the grass is greener, trees smell of flowers, some of them are full of friut, we discovered mulberriies - white and dark oneas and since then we´re having portion of daily vitamins.
The weather is moody, it rains often but when it doesn´t it´s really hot, our skins are getting browner every day. It´s such a pleasure to sleep in the tent in just a t-shirt and to drink morning coffee in the sunshine listening to different kinds of birds singing. After the last hot week the huge storm made it´s way to veilchental during the night, I haven´t heard such a thunders in quite a while, the earth trembled a bit. I must admit I was a bit scared. The sun returned in the morning, it´s hot again, just right weather for big ice-creamry lunch (yes I know, I´m addicted;)).
Hasta proxima!

Hola Amigos! Wrocilismy na nasz ukochany Veilchental. Podroz byla dluga, ale jechalismy szczesliwi. Tym razem zaskoczyl mnie film - zupelnie nie autokarowy, romantyczny i bardzo wzruszajacy, z tego co pamietam  to nazywal sie Passion Diaries. Niewazne, Judit mowila mi o nim wiele razy, ale jakos nigdy nie zebralam sie za ogladanie, a tu taka niespodzianka. Piekny, ogladalismy go pozno wieczorem, plakalam jak dziecko, az sie na mnie wspolpasazerowie dziwnie patrzyli, a Luke myslal, ze cos nie tak. Od tego momentu bylo tylko lepiej, dotarlismy na kemping w miare wczesnie i zdziwilismy sie widzac dwa plecaki. Nie wiem czemu, ale w naszych glowach wyobrazalismy sobie chyba tylko nas jako wwooferor, a okazalo sie ze byly tu juz Ute z Niemiec oraz Charlotte rowniez z Niemiec, choc pol Francuzka. Charlotte, ktora poznala Ute w autobusie i jakos tak sie zlozylo, ze Ute postanowila sie do niej dolaczyc powidziala tez okempingu koledze poznanemu w hostelu i kolejnego dnia dolaczyl do nas Nejc ze Slowenii. Coz to bylo za towarzystwo, normalnie lepiej nie mozna dobrac grupy ludzi na kemping, nie potrafie nawet tego opisac, ale polaczyla nas ta magiczna nic porozumienia i czas speczony razem, choc bylo to tylko kilka dni byl tak bogaty w doswiadczenia, ze zostanie z nami na bardzo dlugo. To, ze sie poznalismy wplynelo na nas wszystkich pozytywnie, Ute i charlotte byly dosc samotne w swoich podrozach, my powoli watpilismy w to, ze jestesmy nomalni i myslelismy, ze za bardzo krytycznie spogladamy na ludzi, Nejc stwierdzil, ze widzac nas odzyskal wiare w milosc oraz ludzi. Bylo bosko. Pomimo niezbyt dobrej pogody na weekend, urzadzilismy wspaniale agentynskie asado. Ja i Ute wybralysmy sie do rzeznika po mieso (byl troche zawiedziony, ze nie kupilysmy ani nerek ani flakow), Charlotte zrobila pyszna salatke z pomidorow, a Necj i Luke dogladali miesa. Mieszanka wybuchowa, ale wyszlo siwetnie, bylismy z siebie dumni, spalaszowalismy wszytko jedzac z wilkiej drewnianej deski - wspolnie. Nie obylo sie bez ogniska, ktore jakims cudem pochlonelo ogomne ilosci alkoholu, Charlotte zalowala, ze nie mamy gitary, ale spiewala przepieknie nawet bez niej. Moglabym pisac i pisac, ale i tak nie jestem w stanie przekazac tych uczuc.
No nic teraz jestesmy sami, to znaczy z Weronika, Rogerem i Ciro, ktorzy nic sie nie zmienili i jest bosko. Noca pojawiaja sie swietliki, mnostwo i kemping wyglada jakby gwiazdy postanowily poigraic troche na ziemi. Lucia z Kolumbii, ktora poznalismy w Bolson powiedziala mi, ze jest taka popularna piosenka otym, ze nie powinno sie wracac do miesjca, w ktorym bylo sie naprawde szczsliwym. Nie zgadzam sie, jest bosko, trawa bardziej zielona, drzewa pachna kwiatami, a niektore pelne sa owocow, odkrylismy kilka dzrew morowych - sa biale i czarne i od tego czsu codziennie uzupelniamy dawke witamin!
Pogoda jest chumorzasta, czesto pada, ale jesli nie pada jest goraca, nasze skory brazowieja z dnia na dzien.Przyjemnie jest spac tylkow koszulce pod namiotem, i pic poranna kawe w sloncu sluchajac spiewu przeroznych ptakow. Po ostatnim tygodniu upalow wczoraj w nocy nadciagnela burza, takich piorunow nie slyszalam juz od dawna, naprawde ziemia drzala. Nie powiem torszke sie balam. Ale rano wyszlo slonce, znow jest upal, w sam raz na duzy lodowy lunch (tak wiem, jestem uzalezniona;)).
Hasta proxima!

Nejc cooks, Luke prepares the water - all under control. NEjc gotuje, Luke oczyszcza wode - wszystko pod kontrola.

Our great asado. Nasze wielkie asado.

And what was left from it. I to co z niego zostalo.

Playing with Kala. Zabawy z Kala.

With girls , fom the left: Ute, me and Charlotte.

Checking out the lenghth of Luke´s beard. Sprawdzam dlugosc brody.

Pozostalosci po asado. Leftover after asado.

Mora - drzewne pysznosci. Mulberry tree- delicious as it can get.

And my healthy apricot, mora and mint sandwich. I moja zdrowa kanapka z mora, morela i mieta.

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