4 March 2014

Chingri Khal Marmolade

Dwa tygodnie temu w domu odbywalo sie coroczne rodzinne robienie marmolady. Piekne pomarancze z Sewilli, wspanialego koloru ogromna miedziana brytfanna odziedziczona po babci, wnuki pracujace z podzialem na role - bylo super:) Caly proces podzielony byl na dwa etapy - dwa dni, takze zapach pomaranczy unosil sie w domu przez pol tygodnia, a teraz w spizarce zloca sie sloiki pelne slodkosci.
Dostalam przepis okraszony dobrymi radami i postanowilam zrobic koleejnej zimy - moze z malym udoskonaleniem - odrobina whiskey:)

Two weeks ago we had the annual family marmalade making. Beautiful oranges from Seville, the magnificent color of a huge copper oven-pan inherited from grandmother, grandchildren working with the division into roles - it was great fun:) The whole process was split into two stages - two days, so the smell of oranges hovered at home for half the week, and now the larder glitters with orange jars full of sweet treat.
I got recipe seasoned with good advice and I decided to make some next winter - maybe with a small improvement - a bit of whiskey :)

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