22 November 2012

The land of milk and honey

Our stay in Veilchental ended today. It was amazing, the week was really warm and some people arrived to camp. This is always a positive element as they usually leave something for a wwoofer, this time we got bottle of delicious Malbec and a big pile of empanadas. We finished de-weeding the garden and found out that there are some snakes there. Luke spotted one coming out of the rocks one morning and making it's way to the raddishes. When we asked Roger if it can be poisonous he sais yes but you don't have to worry, even if it bites you you'll have 12 hours to get to hospital. Since then we were more carefull in the garden. In general with the hotter weather there was more creatures around, quite big spiders, some of which decided to share a tent with us and others... Unfortunately I haven't seen too many bumblebee's - my lucky friends-  just a few and they were completely black, Luke called this type ninja. My dreams as last time were very vivid, I don't know if it{s due to the fresh air or the fact that we slept so closed to the earth but it was great. We continued sharing the mulberry tree with pariquits, they were eating from the top and we had to do with the reachable branches. Below few hotos from the evening when Roger took Luke for checking the bee hives. I stayed only for a moment as there was no other protective suit for me left and very quickly one of the bees made it's way to my hair. Luke really enjoyed it nad it was a suprise when he could actually remove some of the honey from the plaster himself, honey which then was given to us - the freshes we've ever tasted. Veronica and Roger were spoiling us this time. We couldn't help leaving without shedding some tears and it was very difficult to leave their little paradise, but well.
During the week we decided to explore a little villigage situted in the Sierras - Cumbrecita. We discovered some waterfalls there, one small but the other one fairly big. The entry to the second one was forbidden but we decided to sneak in which had a great advantage - we were there completly on our own. The water was freezing but the place beautifull. I{ll have to add the photos next time as this computer does,{t want to co-operate anymore. 
And now we're waiting in Cordoba for a bus to slightly bigger waterfalls - we we should be in Iguazu tomorrow. Tired as the night suprised us all - the storm and possibly a small tornado. For at least half an hour the sky was so bright as if somebody switched the light on and we were "in the thunder", it was noisy all the time. Twice the earth shook. I must admit it was scary especially witnessing it not from a comfort of a safe house. In the morning we could see a lot of broken branches, and Belgrano had tree removed with the roots and TV interviewing people. But we'll sleep bettr on the bus.

Nasz pobyt w Veilchental dobiegl dzis konca. Bylo cudownie, kolejny tydzien byl bardzo cieply i pojawili sie nawet ludzie na kempingu. To zawsze pozytywny element, szczegolnie, ze przewaznie zostawiaja cos dla wwooferor, tym razem dostalismy pyszne wino Malbec oraz stos empanad. Dokonczylismy odchwaszczanie ogrodka i okazalo sie, ze czasami zyja w nim weze. Pewnego poranka Luke zauwayl jednego wypelzajacego ze skal - postanowil schowac sie w rzodkiewkach. Kiedy zapytalismy Rogera czy jest jadowity powiedzial, ze tak. Ale spokojnie od ukaszenia macie 12 godzin, zeby dotrzec do szpitala. Od tego czasu praca w ogrodku byla uwazniejsza. W ogole wraz z latem do zycia obudzilo sie wiecej stworzen, sporych rozmiarow pajaki, niektore z nich dzielily z nami namiot i inne takie. Niestety nie widzialam zbyt wielu trzmieli, ktore przynosza mi szczescie, kilka razy i to cale czarne - Luke nazwal ten typ ninja. Moje sny tak jak poprzednim razem sa tu bardzo zywe, nie weim czy to przez swieze powietrze, spanie blisko ziemi... Wciaz dzielilismy dzrewo morwowe z papugami, one zjadaly te z gory, a my musielismy zadowolic sie tymi z dolnych galezi. Ponizej zdjecia z wieczoru, kiedy Roger wzial Luke{a na sprawdznie uli. Ja zostalam tylko chwile jako, ze nie bylo dla mnie ochronnej odziezy i bardzo szybko jedna z pszczol wplatala mi sie we wlosy. Luke to polubil i jakaz niespodzianka bylo kiedy mogl wybrac miod z jednego plastra, miod ktory pozniej dostalismy w prezentcie, najswiezszy jaki kiedykolwiek jedlismy. Veronica i Roger naprawde nas rozpieszczali tym razem. Przy wyjezdzie nie obylo sie oczywiscie bez lez i ciezko bylo opuscic ich maly raj, ale coz.
W srodku tygodnia wybralismy sie do uroczej miesciny -Cumbrecita polozonej w Sierras. Odkrylismy tam dwa wodospady, jeden malutki a drugi calkiem sporych rozmiarow. Wstep do tego wiekszego byl zabroniony, ale jakos sie przecisnelismy, plusem tej nielegalnej czynnosci bylo to, ze bylismy tam zupelnie sami. Woda lodowata, ale miejsce przepiekne. Zdjecia dodam nastepnym razem jako, ze ten komputer nie chce juz wspolpracowac.
A teraz czekamy na autokar do troche wiekszych wodospadow- jutro powinnismy juz byc w Iguazu. zmeczeni bo noc zaskoczyla nas wszystkich - burza i byc moze nawet male tornado. Przez co najmniej  pol godziny niebo bylo tak jasne jakby ktos zapalil swiatlo a grzmot doslownie zawisl nad nami, huczalo przez caly czas. Dwa razy zatrzesla sie ziemia. Nie powiem dosc straszne szczegolnie jesli nie oglada sie tego z wewnatrz bezpiecznego domostwa. Rano zobaczylismy bardzo duzo polamanych galezi, W Belgrano wyrwalo drzewo z korzeniami i telewizja byla juz na miejscu filmujac zniszczenia. No, ale nic wyspimy sie w autokarze.

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