5 September 2012

The great escape from paradise/ Wielka ucieczka z raju

Paradise - that was a name of a place where we spend last two weeks. We packed our bags on Monday and decided to leave paradise - feeling of bliss. I´ll put few examples of our life there and some photographic evidence as well. And then please don´t asks us how it was, we´re trying to forget. Highlights:
- more then anything the organic duties which we were given: collecting branches of apple trees from whole field just to burn it for no reason, car washing, following the great old tractor which was fuming terribly, etc
- "senior" as we called him didn´t or didn´t want to learn our names and either whistled on us or called us "chicos", or if one of us was going to help him he would say: not you, him!
- every night with great argentinian series, where the world looks so completely different to the reality
- the room is a chapter of it´s own, big holes in the walls with all sorts of ctreatures coming in and terrible cold
- steam coming out of our mouths in the mornings and the pain of leaving sleeping bag and crawling out from under five blankets
- dogs barking on every hour on avarage during the night
- planting 109 new trees and digging a trench to lay water pipe a bit deeper - the spade became my new best friend
 - senior was waking up very early just to sharpen the tools or to try out chain saw or to do something as noisy as that which couldn´t wait till later, all in the garage close to our room
- the sound of mice walking on our roof every night and the hope none of them will fall down through one of the holes.

Raj - tak nazywalo sie miejsce w ktorym, spedzilismy ostatnie dwa tygodnie. W poniedzialek spakowalismy nasze plecaki i opuscilismy raj - blogie uczucie. Ponizej kilka przykladow wspanialego zycia w raju i fotograficzna dokumentacja naszego zycia. A pozniej prosze nie pytajcie nas o to jak bylo, staramy sie zapomniec;). Perelki:
- przede wszystkim organiczne prace jakie bylo nam dane wykonywac: zbieranie galazek z calego pola po to tylko, zeby za chwile je tam spalic, mycie auta, podazanie za traktorem, ktory wydzielal nisamowite ilosci spalin.
- "senior" jak go nazywalismy nie molg badz tez nie chial nauczyc sie naszych imion wiec albo na nas gwizdal albo wolal "chicos", ewentualnie jak juz jedna z nas szlo mu pomoc krzyczal: nie ty, on!
- codzienne parogodzinne ogladanie fascynujacych argentyskich seriali, na ktorych swiat wyglada tak inaczej niz w rzeczywistosci...
- pokoj to osobny rozdzial, dziury w scianach przez ktore wchodzily do niego rozne kreatury i okropne zimno
_ para z ust z rana i bol wygramolenia sie ze spiwora i spod pieciu kocy
- psy, ktore w nocy wyly z czestotliwoscia godziny
- urocza praca przy sadzeniu 109 drzewek i kopaniu rowu, zeby rure z woda polozyc glebiej - lopata stala sie moim przyjacielem
- senior wstawal wczesnie rano, zeby w garazu graniczacym z naszym pokojem naostrzyc narzedzia, sprawdzic pile mechaniczna badz tez wykonywac inne halasliwe prace nie cierpiace zwloki
- dzwiek conocnych wedrowek myszy po dachu i nadzieja, ze dziury w nim nie sa na tyle duze, zeby przedostaly sie do naszego pokoju.

 After a day of gathering apple sticks.
Po dniu zbierania jablkowych galazek.

 In front of the house.
Przed domem.
The property of neighbourghs / Posiadlosc sasiadow.

 And our lovely room.
No i  nasz wspanialy pokoj.

 Luke finally making friends with Ricardo. Luke w koncu zaprzyjaznil sie z Ricardo.

 There were some positives to our stay there too. For example the matress was very comfortable;). The views were stunning and the closness of the Andes is something else. Mornings when we could watch the hawks and cats playing in the field... Teresa was preparing food for us, simple vegetarian meals but they were very tasty, we ate as much as we wanted or even too much. I weight myself recently and I gained 4kg since leaving Poland. Thanks to the distance to town we could enjoy Sunday hitchhiking as well, even our great escape was through hitchhiking as senior was too busy to give us a lift to nearedst bus stop. Once we had a ride with a bolivian family in a car which was barely moving but it was fun. We survieved there and had few lessons from life. We know one thing for sure - regardless of what´s around us we can manage together and we know now that in the future we´d love to wake up to birds singing and to live according to rythm of the nature not the city. Siempre mejor!

Byly tez plusy naszego pobytu tam. Na przyklad materac byl bardzo wygodny;) Widoki byly przepiekne, bliskosc Andow naprawde robi wrazenie. Poranki, kiedy moglismy obserwowac jastrzebie i zabawy kotow w polu... Teresa przygotowywala dla nas jedzenie, proste wegetarianskie posilki, ale nie moge powiedziec bardzo smaczne, najadalismy sie do syta, moze nawet troche za bardzo. Ostatnio sie zwazylam i przybylo mi 4kg on wyjazdu z Polski. Dzieki odleglosci od miasteczka uskutecznialismy niedzielna jazde autostopem, nawet nasza poniedzialkowa ucieczka odbyla sie ta droga jako, ze senior byl zbyt zajety, zeby nas podwiesc. Raz zabrala nas rodzina z Boliwi, samochodem, ktory ledwo sie poruszal, ale bylo wesolo. Przetrwalismy i dostalismy kilka lekcji  od zycia. Jedno wiemy na pewno - bez wzgledu na okolicznosci dajemy razem rade i wiemy, ze w przyszlosci chcielibysmy sie budzic spiewem ptakow i zyc zgodnie z rytmem natury, a nie miasta. Siempre mejor!

There were some  amazing views though.
Widoki byly jednak piekne.

Me and Teresa.  
Cat brothers - Negrito i Spioch.
Koci bracia - Negrito i Spioch.  
First signs of spring in Argentina. Pierwsze oznaki wiosny w Argentynie.

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