30 October 2012

Niedzielna sjesta

I´ve heard that the first snow fell in Poland!!! Here too:) Maybe not the first one, most likely one of the last ones and in higher mountains but it´s effects were visible. It cooled down a bit and on Friday we expierienced a famous patagonian wind, even though our little attic was making odd noises it didn´t let us get cold. Luckily the sun returned on Saturday morning - just on time for weekend off.
Last Sunday we ventured to see nearby waterfall and so called indian head. Long walk but the day was beautifull so we marched happily. Waterfalls are something truly amazing - before the view the sound hits you, what a power. After lunch we decided to have a litlle siesta in a botanical garden and once we found a secluded place on a soft grass we were attack by something that resembled hiena. I was snoozing by then so Luke tried to keep an eye on the beast and after few minutes of vicious barking at us from different directions it disappeared. After a while Luke noticed that the beast is lying peacefully very close to me so I started taming it - very succesfully. The beast turned out to be a young female dog very keen to play and we had a really amazing few hours together. Me gusta:)

Slyszalam, ze w Polsce spadl juz pierwszy snieg!!! Tu tez:) Moze nie pierwszy, pewnie jeden z ostatnich i wyzszych gorach, ale jego efekty byly widoczne. Ochlodzilo sie troche i w piatek powialo slynnym patagonskim wiatrem, nasz poddasze choc wydawalo rozne dzwieki nie pozwolilo nam zmarznac. Na szczescie slonce wyszlo akurat w sobotni poranek - w sama pore na wolny weekend.
W ubiegla niedziele wybralismy sie z Lukiem zobaczyc pobliski wodospad oraz tzw. glowe indianina. Dlugi spacer, ale dzien byl piekny wiec szlo sie rzesko. Wodospady to jest to - przed widokiem dociera dzwiek, coz za sila. Po lunchu postanowilismy zrobic sobie sjeste w pobliskim ogrodzie botanicznym i po znalezieniu zacisznego miejsca na miekkiej trawie zostalismy zaatakowani przez cos co wygladalo na hiene. Ja juz spalam wiec Luke staral sie trzymac oko, zeby bestia nie podeszla za blisko, po kilku minutach zlowieszczego obszczekiwania nas z roznych stron zniknela. Po jakims czasie Luke zauwazyl, ze bestia ulozyla sie blisko mnie wiec zaczelo sie poskramianie - bardzo skuteczne. Bestia okazala sie mloda suczka bardzo skora do zabaw i spedzilismy z nia cudowne kilka godzin. Me gusta:)

Cabeza del Indio.

Atak hieny. Hiena attack.

And what happened later. A to zdarzyo sie pozniej.

 Polski akcent. Polish accent.

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